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BRC-ES01 | Light Duty Briefcase
BRC-ES01 | Light Duty Briefcase

BRC-ES01 | Light Duty Briefcase

Your Price:$70.00
This is the EWI Tourcase tm BRC-ES01 "Light Duty" Briefcase.  This case is a light weight alternative to our heavier duty BRC-001 briefcases and is a nice size for small gear,  tools,  electronics or paperwork.

The BRC-ES01 side panels are constructed with 1/8 inch hardwood plywood and covered with an ABS laminate finish.  The extrusion is all aluminum and the case is assembled with aluminum rivets.  Mounted on the end of the case are 4 solid rubberized feet for the standing position.  The carrying handle is nicely padded, and the inside is fully lined with 3/8" thick high density foam and egg crate foam in the lid.


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